Anti-Slavery Letters & Documents: Long Subjects page

Subject 47490270

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Page transcription


"May 8, 1851"
"Holograph, signed. Mary Anne Estlin tells of heated arguments between Russell Carpenter, her father (John Bishop Estlin), and William James. Mary A. Estlin and her friends have angered John Scoble and his followers, Mrs. Richardson and her Free Labor advocates, and the Unitarians. Mary A. Estlin said: \"We are not looking for great results from these three fold strifes; ...\" William and Ellen Craft have developed a strong anti-slavery feeling wherever they go. Mary A. Estlin said that \"it grieved us to learn that your brother's health had again given way,\" perhaps a reference to Richard Warren Weston's health. Mary Anne Estlin complains that Emma Weston and Elizabeth Chapman do not write. She expects to attend a meeting of the \"pro-Slavery Unitarians\" in June. There was a meeting in Bridgewater of the Unitarian Christian Union in which Mary A. Estlin was opposed by Russell Carpenter. Mary A. Estlin and her father, John Bishop Estlin, have been more successful with the Baptists and Congregationalists. The orthodox dissenters were much impressed by clerical teachings. Her father's speech was printed in many newspapers. Mary A. Estlin refers to the help of William James and Miss Fannie N. Tribe in carrying out certain subterfuges employed to convert the clergy to abolitionism. Ellen Craft was surprised at the small number of working English abolitionists. She defends the conduct of William Wells Brown and the Crafts in regard to the Edinburgh abolitionists and takes Miss Wigham's side against Andrew Paton. She tells about a meeting between Dr. Pennington and Ellen Craft. Mary A. Estlin believes that \"...the Quakers and others are finding out that Pennington has been taking them in, so our positive position is strengtheneed as it never could have been had not the exposure come from himself.\" Estlin criticizes Andrew Paton. She discusses at length Jane Wigham and her effort to overcome the handicap of William Garrison's religious views. Mary A. Estlin has had much trouble in keeping up her correspondence. She thinks \"the door is still open for exposing Mr. Scoble.\" Mary A. Estlin says: \"We are getting up a Congregational meeting to address the London one on the Ministerial question, ...\" Mrs. Massie thought the Baptists' resolution on abolitionism was very tame. Mary A. Estlin states that: \"We are attacking the Methodists now. I am sure you must laugh at the idea of three people or five if my Aunt & Mrs. Massie are included, making all this confusion, but distance will cause us to be viewed thro' a multiplying glass.\" She tells of a controversy between her father and Mrs. Richardson."
"Letter from Mary Anne Estlin, Park Street, Bristol, [England], to Miss Weston, May 8, 1851 [Part 1 of 2]"
"Estlin, Mary Anne, 1820-1902 (Author); Weston, Miss (Addressee)"
"Ms.A.9.2 v.25, p.87"
"39999066779925; mq8509270"
"5 leaves (16 p.) ; 8 1/2 x 5 3/4 in."