Walter R. Collins diaries
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Page transcription
Socrates left no writings.
Socrates left no writings.
Socrates left no writings.
The first and greatest of his disciples has supplied
The first and greatest of his disciples has supplied
The first and greatest of his disciples has supplied
this defect but there is some reason to believe that
this defect but there is some reason to believe that
this defect but there is some reason to believe that
the poetical fancy of plato has ornamented and
the poetical fancy of Plato has ornamented and
the poetical fancy of plato has ornamented and
the poetical fancy of plato has ornamented and
changed the didactic reasoning of Socrates.-
changed the didactic reasoning of Socrates.-
changed the didactic reasoning of Socrates.-
Plato has entered very little upon the subject
Plato has entered very little upon the subject
Plato has entered very little upon the subject
of physical science and in his Timeas the
of physical science and in his Timeas the
of physical science and in his Timeas the
only dialogue expressly upn the subject very
only dialogue expressly upn the subject very
only dialogue expressly upn the subject very
little valuable information; but very much
little valuable information; but very much
little valuable information; but very much
obscure speculation may be found -
obscure speculation may be found
obscure speculation may be found -
obscure speculation may be found -
The charm of this writer is his adorned
The charm of this writer is his adored
The charm of this writer is his adorned
The charm of this writer is his adorned
and beautiful stile, in which an imagination
and beautiful stile, in which an imagination
and beautiful stile, in which an imagination
bold and yet correct constantly appears -
bold and yet correct constantly appears -
bold and yet correct constantly appears -
Plato in his compositions displays the
Plato in his compositions displays the
Plato in his compositions displays the
highest degree of Art -
highest degree of Art -
highest degree of Art -
"Walter R. Collins Civil War diary, 1863. 02027_047"
"Pennsylvania State University. Special Collections Library"
"Collins, Walter R., 1838-"
"The organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information."
Walter R. Collins diaries