Coll. 61 61_V3 page
Page transcription
Primitive Chain . - In Ireland Here
- Primitive Chain . -
In Ireland Here
- Primitive Chain . -
In Ireland Here
the great central association in
- the great central association in
- the great central association in
Wicklow , Dublin , & Kildare, is
- Wicklow , Dublin , & Kildare, is
- Wicklow , Dublin , & Kildare, is
principally composed of Granite
- principally composed of Granite
- principally composed of Granite
& Micaceous Shist . - Porphyry
- & Micaceous Shist . - Porphyry
- & Micaceous Shist . - Porphyry
is seldom found, xxxxxx there is
- is seldom found,
xxxxxx there is
- is seldom found,
xxxxxx there is
no Serpentine in this district,
- no Serpentine in this district,
- no Serpentine in this district,
& very little Sienite, except
- & very little Sienite, except
- & very little Sienite, except
at the bottom of the Northern
- at the bottom of the Northern
- at the bottom of the Northern
Mountains . - Some Quarries
- Mountains . - Some Quarries
- Mountains . - Some Quarries
of Primitive Marble occur
- of Primitive Marble occur
- of Primitive Marble occur
at the Eastern foot of the
- at the Eastern foot of the
- at the Eastern foot of the
Granite Mountains of Dublin .- _
- Granite Mountains of Dublin .-
- Granite Mountains of Dublin . _
- Granite Mountains of Dublin .-
- Donegal - xxxxxxx - Antrim
- - Donegal - xxxxxxx - Antrim
- - Donegal - xxxxxxx - Antrim
- - Donegal - xxxxxxx - Antrim
- Amongst the Scotch Mountains,
- - Amongst the Scotch Mountains,
- _ Amongst the Scotch Mountains,
- - Amongst the Scotch Mountains,
Ben Nevis , the highest in the
- Ben Nevis , the highest in the
- Ben Nevis , the highest in the
Island & which is nearly 4.500 feei
- Island & which is nearly 4.500 feei
- Island & which is nearly 4.500 feei
above the level of the Sea : it
- above the level of the Sea : it
- above the level of the Sea : it
is composed of Granite, Micaceous
- is composed of Granite, Micaceous
- is composed of Granite, Micaceous
Shist & Gneis . - And most of
- Shist & Gneis . - And most of
- Shist & Gneis . - And most of
the other great Mountains are
- the other great Mountains are
- the other great Mountains are
similarly constituted . -
- similarly constituted . -
- similarly constituted . -
- name
- "61_V3_030"
- image1
- "61_V3_030.jpg"
- group_id
- "61_V3"
- internal_id
- "61_V3_030"