Coll. 60 and Coll. 26 61_V10 page
Page transcription
by Rev W. K. Brown of the Pittsbrg conf. I obtained a
- by Rev W. K. Brown of the Pittsbrg conf. I obtained a
- by Rev W. K. Brown of the Pittsbrg conf. I obtained a
- by Rev W. K. Brown of the Pittsbrg conf. I obtained a
Sense of God's pardoning love and though I realized
- Sense of God's pardoning love and though I realized
- Sense of God's pardoning love and though I realized
- Sense of God's pardoning love and though I realized
amid Some fears, what I had long wished and prayed
- amid Some fears, what I had long wished and prayed
- amid some fears, what I had long wished and prayed
- amid Some fears, what I had long wished and prayed
- amid some fears, what I had long wished and prayed
for and at two special revival occasions (one
- for and at two special revival occasions (one
- for and at two special revival occasions (one
- for and at two special revival occasions (one
at Lexington held by Rev. H. Caldwell, & the other at Lutt
- at Lexington held by Rev. H. Caldwell, & the other at Lutt
- at Lexington held by Rev. H. Caldwell, & the other at Lutt
- at Lexington held by Rev. H. Caldwell, & the other at Luth
- at Lexington held by Rev. H. Caldwell, & the other at Lutt
Church near Lemuel Kings held by a minister of that
- Church near Lenuel Kings held by a minister of that
- Church near Lemuel Kings held by a minister of tham
- Church near Lemuel Kings held by a minister of that
- Church near Lemuel Kings held by a minister of that
denomination). I felt at want of inward con-
- denomination). I felt at want of inward con-
- denomination). I felt at want of inward con-
- denomination). I felt at want of inward con-
formity to the divine will and image. My heart
- formity to the divine will and image. My heart
- formity to the divine will and image. My heart
- formity to the divine will and image. My heart
was nevertheless fixed and having many inward tempta-
- was nevertheless fixed and having many inward tempta-
- was nevertheless fixed and having many inward tempta-
- was nevertheless fixed and having many inward tempta-
tions especially, and often greatly in need of earnest
- tions especially, and often greatly in need of earnest
- tions especially, and often greatly in need of earnest
- tions especially, and often greatly in need of earnest
words of counsel and instruction which no one
- words of counsel and instruction which no one
- words of counsel and instruction which no one
- words of counsel and instruction which no one
seemed ready to offer in any other than a general
- seemed ready to offer in any other than a general
- seemed ready to offer in any other than a general
- seemed ready to offer in any other than a general
way, accepting and discharging as I could the
- way, accepting and discharging as I could the
- way, accepting and discharging as I could the
- way, accepting and discharging as I could the
duties imposed only too gradually. I found in Rev. C.
- duties imposed only too gradually. I found in Rev. C.
- duties imposed only too gradually. I found in Rev. C.
- duties imposed only too gradually. I found in Rev. C.
W. Smith 1859 a companion and bro. to whom I could open
- W. Smith 1859 a companion and bro. to whom I could open
- W. Smith 1859 a companion and bro. to whom I could open
- W. Smith 1859 a companion and bro. to whom I could open
my heart and from whose instruction and example I
- my heart and from whose instruction and example I
- my heart and from whose instruction and example I
- my heart and from whose instruction and example I
learned much that encouraged and strengthened me.
- learned much that encouraged and strengthened me.
- learned much that encouraged and strengthened me.
- learned much that encouraged and strengthened me.
Seeming to read my most secret thoughts, this bro brought
- Seeming to read my most secret thoughts, this bro brought
- Seeming to read my most secret thoughts, this bro brought
- Seeming to read my most secret thoughts, this bro brought
me to confess the exercise of my soul in the subject of en-
- me to confess the exercise of my soul in the subject of en-
- me to confess the exercise of my soul in the subject of en-
- me to confess the exercise of my soul in the subject of en-
tering the ministry. and although his plans were overturned
- tering the ministry. and although his plans were overturned
- tering the ministry. and although his plans were overturned
- tering the ministry. and although his plans were overturned
by my engaging to teach School in an adjoining State
- by my engaging to teach School in an adjoining Street
- by my engaging to teach School in an adjoining State
- by my engaging to teach School in an adjoining State
- by my engaging to teach School in an adjoining State
during the winter, yet so wisely managed that ere the
- during the winter, yet so wisely managed that ere the
- during the winter, yet so wisely managed that ere the
- during the winter, yet so wisely managed that ere the
term had passed by the curtesy and persuasions of
- term had passed by the curtesy and persuasions of
- term had passed by the curtesy and persuasion of
- term had passed by the courtesy and persuasions of
- term had passed by the curtesy and persuasion of
Rev J. A. McLure Jr. and with consent etc of Rev F. Ballsen-
- Rev J. A. McLure Jr. and with consent etc of Rev F. Ballsen-
- Rev J. A. McLure Jr. and with consent etc of Rev F. Ballsen-
- Rev J. A. McLure Jr. and with consent &c of Rev F. Ballsen-
- Rev J. A. McLure Jr. and with consent &c of Rev F. Ballsen-
pastor on Brandonville Ct W. Va Conference. I had been
- pastor on Brandonville Ct W. Va Conference. I had been
- pastor on Brandonville Ct W. Va Conference. I had been
- pastor on Brandonville Ct W. Va Conference. I had been
induced to commit myself in some degree to the work
- induced to commit myself in some degree to the work
- induced to commit myself in some degree to the work
- induced to commit myself in some degree to the work
(My first Sermon from "Acquaint now thyself with him
- (My first Sermon from "Acquaint now thyself with him
- (My first Sermon from "Acquaint now thyself with him
- (My first Sermon from "Acquaint now thyself with him
and be at peace" was at a little church 6 1/2 miles
- and be at peace" was at a little church 6 1/2 miles
- and be at peace" was at a little church 6 1/2 miles
- and be at peace" was at a little church 6 1/2 miles
from Brandonville toward Cranberry Summit -- & the next
- from Brandonville toward Cranberry Summit -- & the next
- from Brandonville toward Cranberry Summit -- & the next
- from Brandonville toward Cranberry Summit -- & the next
Shortly after a "Laurel Run" appt. as road leading from
- Shortly after a "Laurel Run" appt as road leading from
- Shortly after a "Laurel Run" appt. as road leading from
- Shortly after a "Laurel Run" appt. as road leading from
- Shortly after a "Laurel Run" appt. as road leading from
Bruceton to Morgantown - text "Seek ye the Lord while he
- Bruceton to Morgantown - text "Seek ye the Lord while he
- Bruceton to Morgantown - text "Seek ye the Lord while he
- Bruceton to Morgantown - text "Seek ye the Lord while he
may be found") the next year 1860 found me at my home
- may be found") the next year 1860 found me at my home
- may be found") the next year 1860 found me at my home
- may be found") the next year 1860 found me at my home
an almost constant companion of Rev T. H. Wilkinson
- an almost constant companion of Rev T. H. Wilkinson
- an almost constant companion of Rev T. H. Wilkinson
- an almost constant companion of Rev T. H. Wilkinson
of same conf. To him I recited Latin Gram, Algebra
- of same conf. To him I recited Latin Gram, Algebra
- of same conf. To him I recited Latin Gram, Algebra
- of same conf. To him I recited Latin Gram, Algebra
& Geometry; and learned finally as the interpretation
- & Geometry; and learned finally as the interpretation
- & Geometry; and learned finally as the interpretation
- & Geometry; and learned finally as the interpretation
of Seasons of sorrowfulness of Spirit which at
- of Seasons of sorrowfulness of Spirit which at
- of Seasons of sorrowfulness of Spirit which at
- of Seasons of sorrowfulness of Spirit which at
times came upon him, that he was interested in the
- times came upon him, that he was interested in the
- times came upon him, that he was interested in the
- times came upon him, that he was interested in the
doctrine and experience of sanctification. The
- doctrine and experience of sanctification. The
- doctrine and experience of sanctification. The
- doctrine and experience of sanctification. The
Beauty of Holiness was one of his monthlies and
- Beauty of Holiness was one of his monthlies and
- Beauty of Holiness was one of his monthlies and
- Beauty of Holiness was one of his monthlies and
although I did not specially interest
- although I did not specially interest
- although I did not specially interest
- although I did not specially interest
myself in the matter I remember the delight
- myself in the matter I remember the delight
- myself in the matter I remember the delight
- myself in the matter I remember the delight
- name
- "61_V10_493"
- image1
- "61_V10_493.jpg"
- group_id
- "61_V10"
- internal_id
- "61_V10_493"