Practicing Different "Hands" of Writing 15th Century Sample Set page 3

Subject 81890621

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Page transcription


"Only for educational and research use per Deciphering Secrets project agreements. The images and materials in this manuscript collection are either within the public domain or published with verbal and/or written permission from the copyright holders. Each archival institution granted explicit verbal and written permission to Prof. Martinez-Davila and/or Deciphering Secrets to digitally photograph manuscripts (or receive photographs from the institution) and to distribute those images to students and researchers as a part of the overall project funded primarily by the European Commission in 2015. The Deciphering Secrets project received funding from the University of Colorado and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº 600371, el Ministerio de Economia Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) and Banco Santander. Digital photographs created by Prof. Martinez-Davila (which include those taken at the Archivo de la Catedral de Burgos, Archivo Municipal de Toledo, Archivo de la Catedral de Plasencia, and Archivo Municipal de Plasencia) constitute his original intellectual property per United States copyright law; he grants use of these photographs for non-profit research and educational use per Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Digital photographs from all other institutions included in this collection remain those institutions’ intellectual property, however, may be examined for non-profit research and educational use per the original agreements with those institutions. All metadata descriptions and transcriptions in the collection are the original intellectual property of Prof. Martinez-Davila; he grants use of these transcriptions for non-profit research and educational use per Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0."
"15th Century"
"Diocese of Burgos (Spain)"
"Archivo de la Catedral de Burgos (Spain)"
"Sample Records"
"Cathedral Records"
"Pedro Garcia de Fuentes, vicar general of the bishop of Burgos, gives license to Pedro Gutierrez de Villaute and Gonzalo Diez, chaplains and provosts, to grant a lease to Audalla de Valladolid, son of the master Harache de Valladolid, neighbors of Burgos, some houses on Moreria Street, which adjoin the houses of the Master Mahomad de Bembibre, Master Yuza de Toro, Ruy Gonzalez de Castaneda and Ali de San Roman, for the price of three annual gold florins. (Note: Original Spanish-language abstract provided by Archivo Historico de la Catedral de Burgos, translation by UCCS staff.)"